Can My Son Play Football with Braces or Invisalign?

Playing sports during childhood is something many kids enjoy doing, no matter the age, whether it’s football, basketball, baseball, soccer, etc. In fact, they enjoy it and as parents, we love watching them get enjoyment out of it. Specifically, if you have a son that wants to play football, braces or Invisalign should not have to stop them from playing. However, this just means that as parents, you will have to be certain that your son is doing everything necessary to protect their teeth and orthodontic devices! Mouthguards: A mouthguard is a device that helps to cushion a blow to the face, minimizing the risk of damaging or breaking teeth. It also helps to prevent injuries to the lips, tongue, face or jaw. Generally, a mouthguard covers the top teeth because the top teeth tend to suffer from more traumas since they stick out more. A custom fitted mouthguard will be necessary for your son if he has braces, since a blow to the face could cause damage to the brackets or wire. The mouthguard will primarily serve as a barrier between the braces and cheek or lips. For individuals who have Invisalign, a mouthguard will also be necessary, but it’ll be nice to know you won’t have the worry of breaking a bracket with Invisalign since there are none! Where to get a mouthguard: There are different types of mouthguards available to you. Primarily, the best option for individuals with braces or Invisalign is from the dentist or orthodontist since they can custom design the mouthguard for effectiveness. These mouthguards will provide a little extra room for the braces as opposed to other mouthguards. Other mouthguards are available over-the-counter at the local drug store, but these aren’t usually as comfortable. Taking care of a mouthguard: Just like taking care of braces and Invisalign is important, taking proper care of a mouthguard is extremely important. A mouthguard should be brushed with a toothbrush and toothpaste frequently before and after use in order to reduce bacteria. It should also be examined often for any cracks, signs of wear or other damage. If a mouthguard does seem to show signs of damage, it should be replaced immediately. Please contact RVO: If you have other questions concerning braces, Invisalign and contact sports please contact Richmond, Virginia Orthodontics today, so that we can answer any questions or concerns that you may have. If you are in the market for a mouthguard for your child, we would be more than happy to schedule you for an appointment to have him or her fitted for one!

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