Braces Richmond VA

Braces are not only metal, some are clear or tooth-colored

As the premier orthodontics practice in Richmond, Virginia, RVOrthodontics (RVO) offers a range of orthodontic solutions, including traditional metal braces, invisible or tooth-colored braces, and Invisalign aligners. Choose us for your Braces Richmond VA needs.

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Today, braces are grouped into one of the many services that orthodontists provide. Specifically, braces are a type of orthodontic appliance made up of brackets and wires that are attached to teeth, which help to guide the teeth (or overall bite) into a desired position. If you have visited our Richmond, VA dental friends, River Run Dental, you have likely been referred to us for braces. We welcome all River Run Dental patients.

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Often, when people think of braces, they may automatically think of “metal braces,” which involve metal brackets, but there are actually other types of braces that are available. For example, if you may be looking for a more discreet look for your braces, there are clear or “tooth-colored” brackets available that are less noticeable than metal brackets. Whichever type of brackets you choose, you can be certain that you’ll be satisfied with the results of your new smile once treatment is complete!

Why would I need braces?

The purpose of orthodontic treatment far exceeds just a pretty smile! In fact, orthodontic treatment is proven to make your life easier because you’ll be able to bite, chew, speak and clean your teeth much better. It has been proven that crooked or crowded teeth can be difficult to stay healthy, which has the potential to lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. Additionally, if the teeth aren’t in the proper place this can also affect the development of the jaws in certain cases, which can interfere with tasks such as chewing and speaking.

Are braces just for kids?

Commonly, many individuals to believe that braces are just for kids or adolescents; however, there is no age restriction on who can and cannot receive braces. Although, it is important to note that an ideal time for braces is between 10 to 14 years of age because the head and mouth are still developing, making the teeth easier to correct during this time. As a rule of thumb, please know that anyone who desires to correct their smile generally is capable of doing so, whether you may be interested in traditional braces or Invisalign aligners, orthodontic treatment is available to you!

How long can I expect to wear braces?

The treatment time varies from person-to-person with braces since every case is different, but you can generally expect to wear braces anywhere from one to three years. Our expert Richmond, Virginia orthodontists will be able to give you an accurate time frame once a thorough exam has been completed.

Life with braces:

Life with braces may be an adjustment at first, but we promise you won’t be upset with the results when they’re off! You can make your braces fun and show them off with style since their customizable with colored bands.

You do need to be aware of some dietary limitations while you have your braces. It is extremely important to follow them because the last place you want to be is in the orthodontist office for an emergency visit because a bracket broke off!

Please remember to refrain from the following foods with your braces:

  1. Chewy or sticky foods —licorice, Starbursts, Skittles, Lollipops, Laffy Taffy, Air Heads, Fruit Roll ups, Gummies, etc.
  2. Crunchy foods — popcorn, chips, ice, granola, croutons
  3. Hard foods — nuts, hard candies
  4. Any foods that require biting into like apples or corn on the cob

As for the foods that require biting into, this doesn’t mean you can’t eat them at all, it may just require that you need to eat them in a different way. For example, corn on the cob shouldn’t be eaten on the cob, but you can cut the corn off the cob and eat it this way! If you are ever in doubt of what foods may be best to avoid, aid on the side of caution and feel free to call our office, we would be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have!

Call Our Office Today:

If you may think that you may be interested in braces, or could benefit from orthodontic treatment, Richmond, Virginia Orthodontics (RVO) wants to be there for you! At our office, we strive to make orthodontic treatment a pleasurable experience for every patient that walks through our door. We want to give you the smile you always wanted and be there for you every step of the way. Please contact us to set up your initial evaluation with us, we look forward to hearing from you!

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