Do Teeth Continue to Move After Age 35?

Adult teeth are permanent so they don’t move or change with age. Correct? Unfortunately, this is not always the case. If you wore braces in your younger years, you were likely asked to wear a retainer so that your new smile can remain for years to come.

In the event you failed to do so, you may find that your teeth eventually shift back into their original positions. The reality is that that teeth that went through orthodontic treatment are more prone to drastic shifting because they’ll revert back to where they were before.

Losing teeth can also cause your teeth to continue to move after age 35. While you may not notice any changes immediately, your mouth will eventually move with the rest of your teeth to fill the spaces of the lost teeth. This may lead to issues with the beauty and function of your teeth. Bone loss is another common cause of teeth movement. As we continue to age, many stat to understand the importance of a dental membership plan such as the one at our Richmond, VA dentist friends’ River Run Dental Spa. This is a consideration for those looking to save money and basically have insurance.

The good news is there are ways you can prevent and resolve teeth shifting that happens as you age. If you have retainers, be sure to wear them. Also, if you’ve never had braces or didn’t have them for very long, you can ask an orthodontist to design a retainer for you to keep your teeth from shifting.

You should also visit the dentist every six months or so for routine exams and cleanings as doing so can prevent bone loss. In addition, if you get a tooth extracted, be sure to replace it with an implant or bridge so that healthy teeth don’t move to fill in the space. Our peer and Raleigh Emergency Dentist urges anyone with concerns related to their oral health to contact a medical professional as soon as possible.

An orthodontic treatment may be prescribed to resolve teeth shifting after age 35. Invisalign is a popular choice for many adults coping with this issue and may be a good option for you.

Common Reasons for Teeth Shifting

The most common reasons your teeth may shift as you get older include:

Your Lower Jaw Keeps Growing Forward
You may be surprised to learn that your lower jaw can slowly but surely continue to grow forward throughout your life. As this happens, your lower teeth may bump into your upper front teeth. It can lead to crowded teeth that unfortunately worsen over time.

If you frequently grind your teeth, you’ll be causing wear and tear and damaging your surrounding teeth without even realizing it. Grinding can lead to shorter teeth as well as changes in your bite. It can also result in changes in your face shape. Our friend and Lake Norman, NC Dentist Dr. Ronnie Davidson has explained to us that more and more of his patients are asking for mouthpieces to wear at night because they grind their teeth. Note that Invisalign should not be used as a mouthpiece to reduce teeth grinding.

Tooth Loss
Tooth loss or removal is fairly common as we older. If you are missing one of your teeth, the teeth next to it and opposite to it may shift into the new space.

Gum Disease
Gum disease leads to infection and inflammation of tissues that surround the teeth. The most common signs of gum disease include swollen or puffy gums, bad breath, loose teeth, and gums that feel tender when touched. This condition can cause bone loss over the teeth, which means minimal support for your teeth. Teeth shifting is a common problem that comes with gum disease, making it imperative to treat this condition as soon as possible.

As we get older, our lips may get tighter and put more pressure on your teeth, leading to crowding. This is why as you get older, you display less upper front teeth and more lower front teeth when you smile.

Orthodontic Treatment
This may seem strange but when an orthodontic treatment like braces or Invisalign moves your teeth, they are more susceptible to shifting right after orthodontic treatment. For this reason, you should not overlook the importance of retainers.

Schedule an Appointment at RVOrthodontics

If you are over the age of 35 and bothered by teeth that have moved, don’t hesitate to contact RVOrthodontics to make an appointment today. We look forward to hearing from you!

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