Do Your Teeth Move After Age 30?

If you’re over age 30 and noticed that your teeth have shifted, you’re not alone. It’s not uncommon for our teeth to move as we get older. Even if you had braces and straight teeth in your younger years, there’s a good chance your teeth look different than they used to. So why does this happen? Keep reading to find out! First and foremost, it’s important to understand how your teeth are held in place. They’re not permanently fixed on your jaw. Instead, your gums, jawbones, and connective tissues known as periodontal ligaments keep them together. Therefore, any condition or event that affects these parts may cause your teeth to move out of place. Some of the most common reasons your teeth may move after age 30 include: Age As you age, your body changes and your teeth, jaws, and mouth are no exception. Natural wear and tear and the thinning of enamel that comes with getting older can increase the chances of your teeth moving as you age. The more worn your teeth and the structures that support them become, the less they’re able to endure the forces that come with biting and chewing. Our Richmond, VA dentist friends at River Run Dental Spa always explain to patients that with age come changes in their teeth and overall oral health. Genetics Unfortunately, you don’t have control of your genes. If your family history states your teeth will shift as you get older, that will probably happen, even if you’ve had braces and make oral health a top priority. Genetics does affect your teeth, just like it impacts every other part of your body. Grinding If you have a habit of teeth grinding, the chances of your teeth moving are quite high. Not only does grinding accelerate the wear and tear on your teeth, it can wreak havoc on the tissues that surround them. This can hinder the stability of your teeth and make them more susceptible to shifting. Also, the act of grinding constantly presses your jaws together, places extra pressure on your teeth, and may slowly but surely push them out of place. Gum Disease Gums are important because they are one of the most important structures that hold your teeth in place. If they’re not in the best shape and you’re facing gum disease, your teeth won’t be as stable as they need to be. Gum disease is known as the leading cause of tooth loss in adults and may force your gums to recede from your teeth. This reduces their support and stability, causing your teeth to shift out of place, eventually. Injury and Trauma A blow to the head or face can damage your teeth’s surrounding tissues or knock them out of place slightly or completely. If your teeth have been knocked out of place a little, they may feel strange. So even if a head injury or trauma hasn’t knocked your teeth out completely, it may shift it out of position according to Garner, NC Dentist Dr. Adam Moore. What to Do About Shifting Teeth While moving teeth after age 30 can be frustrating, you don’t have to live with them. Here at RVOrthodontics, we help adults manage changes or shifts to their teeth. We’ll take the time to examine your teeth and gums and identify any issues early on to help you avoid further damage. Then, we’ll design a customized plan for how to treat them and straighten your teeth if you’d like. Contact RVOrthodontics If you have further questions about teeth shifting after age 30, don’t hesitate to contact our Richmond, VA orthodontics office today at 804-884-9906. We look forward to hearing from you!

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